This First Aid Basics online training course is designed for all employees. This course has been developed to allow certified first aid attendants to refresh and update their basic first aid knowledge. This course is meant to supplement completed first aid training by providing a review of some of the critical information covered in a typical First Aid Course.
This First Aid Basics online training course is a two-part course that explores basic first aid training. This course is meant to supplement completed first aid training by providing a review of some of the critical information covered in a typical First Aid Course. It is recommended that this course be completed in years 2 and 3 following First Aid certification.
The first part covers the role of the first aid provider, the principles of reacting to an emergency, breathing, and choking emergencies, CPR and AEDs, bleeding emergencies, fractures, and shock. The second part discusses head and spine injuries, eye injuries, burns, poisoning, seizures, and temperature-related injuries (heat-related illness, frostbite and hypothermia).
Note that in Ontario, a First Aid Certificate is valid for only three years. However, it is recommended by the Canadian Red Cross and some employers to retrain annually.
Course Learning Objectives
By taking this online First Aid Basics course, the user will learn:
- The role of the first aid provider.
- The seven emergency action principles.
- The type of breathing emergencies: respiratory distress and respiratory arrest.
- The differences between rescue breathing techniques for a child and an infant.
- The first aid techniques for choking, including partial and full airway obstruction.
- The steps of CPR and the role of the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
- How to treat minor cuts, lacerations, severe bleeding emergencies, fracture emergencies, common eye injuries, burns and heat-related illnesses.
- The signs and symptoms of shock.
- How to take control at the scene of a first aid emergency.
- The signs, symptoms and first aid treatment for head and spine injuries.
- The steps in providing first aid in cases of poisoning.
- The Poison Control Centre for your province or territory.
- The steps in providing first aid treatment for seizures and diabetic emergencies.
Course Outline
This online First Aid Basics course is made up of the following sections:
- The Role of the First Aid Provider
- Emergency Action Principles
- Breathing Issues and Choking
- CPR and AEDs
- Bleeding Emergencies
- Fractures
- Shock
- Common Head and Spine Injuries
- Eye Injuries
- Burns
- Poisoning
- Seizures
- Temperature-Related Illness
Course Audience
This First Aid Basics online training course was designed for all employees.
If you have any concerns as to whether this course is appropriate for you or your industry, please browse our full selection of online courses.