
Safe at Work

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Cours de formation en ligne Accès aux espaces clos

Accès aux espaces clos

Ce cours de formation en ligne Accès aux espaces clos a été conçu les travailleurs qui doivent entrer et travailler dans des espaces clos, les superviseurs et les employeurs. Dans ce cours, nous discuterons de ce que les espaces clos sont et ne sont pas; l'élaboration de programmes d'espaces clos, y compris l'évaluation des dangers et les mesures de contrôle; les responsabilités des membres de l'équipe des espaces clos ainsi que les pratiques de travail sécuritaires; les permis d'accès à un espace clos; les équipes d'intervention d'urgence et les sauvetages.
From $24.50
Accessibility Standards Training Online Training Course

Accessibility Standards Training

The Accessibility Standards Training online training course will provide general requirements in the areas of customer service, information and communication, employment, transportation, and built environment regarding disabilities. and aims to identify, remove, and prevent barriers for people with disabilities. This course was designed to help you learn about Accessibility Standards.
From $19.50
Ammonia Safety Online Training Course

Ammonia Safety [Canada]

This Ammonia Safety online training course is designed for owners and operators of, and employees in, cold storage facilities in Canada. Learn about the hazards of ammonia, regulatory requirements for the safe operation of ammonia refrigeration systems, how to handle and work safely with ammonia, as well as causes and effects of, and how to respond to accidental ammonia release.
Asbestos Awareness Online Training Course

Asbestos Awareness

This Asbestos Awareness online training course was designed for construction workers. In this course, you will learn about asbestos and its uses, as well as its health hazards and methods of exposure control in the workplace. We also examine the health concerns and how to evaluate exposure to asbestos.
From $14.50
Assessment and Improvement of Safety Culture and Safety Performance Online Training Course

Assessment and Improvement of Safety Culture and Safety Performance

This Assessment and Improvement of Safety Culture and Safety Performance online training course explores the methods and benefits of including behavioral and cultural elements into an organization’s safety programs. Including these elements in an organization can provide a step change improvement by leveraging the skills and experience of the entire organization.
From $45.00
Back Safety Online Training Course

Back Safety

This Back Safety online training course is designed for employees in all types of jobs, from a factory worker to an office worker. This course explains the physiology of the back and presents common types and causes of back injuries. It also describes injury prevention, safety practices, basic back exercises, and proper lifting techniques.
From $14.50
Backing Vehicles Safely Online Training Course

Backing Vehicles Safely

In this Backing Vehicles Safely online training course, you will learn safe backing techniques applicable to all types of vehicles, as well as best practices for specific types of vehicles and work situations.  This course will explore the basics steps of backing up, summarize when a spotter should be used, and recognize a traffic control plan.
From $14.50
	Bed Bug Awareness Online Training Course

Bed Bug Awareness

This Bed Bug Awareness online training course is designed for employees of property management companies, public health agency employees and consumers. Bed bugs are a significant public health issue that cause a variety of negative physical health, mental health, and economic outcomes. In this course, you will learn about bed bugs, their behavior, how to avoid bringing them into your home, and how to get rid of them if you do have them.
From $14.50
Being Compliant Online Training Course

Being Compliant

This Being Compliant online training course will discuss general compliance considerations and give you a brief overview of your obligations in these key areas: tax compliance, employment standards, and privacy. This course will define the role of the compliance office, different business structures, the importance of records, and how organizations can ensure privacy.
From $13.50
Cours de formation en ligne Biais inconscients

Biais inconscients

Ce cours de formation en ligne Biais inconscients a été conçu pour les employés, les superviseurs et le personnel de la direction. Ce cours expliquera les biais inconscients, leur incidence en milieu de travail et les mesures que l'on peut prendre pour les gérer et pour encourager la diversité et l'inclusivité. Avec une meilleure compréhension des biais inconscients et de leur origine, vous pourrez prendre des mesures pour résoudre les biais individuels et faire de meilleurs choix et de meilleures connexions.
From $24.50
Business Essentials: Discrimination in the Workplace Online Training Course

Business Essentials: Discrimination in the Workplace

This Business Essentials: Discrimination in the Workplace online training course will discuss discrimination in the workplace with real-life scenarios. This course will help to improve your understanding of the definition of discrimination, how to identify discrimination in the workplace, what constitutes unlawful discrimination and retaliation, and understand your organization's illegal discrimination policy.
From $19.50
California Workplace Violence Prevention For Employees Online Training Course

California Workplace Violence Prevention - For Employees

This California Workplace Violence Prevention For Employees online training course is designed for employees in most workplaces in California. In response to the tragic mass shooting at a Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) rail yard in 2021 and an increasing level of violence in California workplaces in general, the state government passed Senate Bill (SB) No. 553. Employers must develop a Workplace Violence Prevention Plans (WVPP) and maintain a violent incident log that records information about every incident, post-incident, response, and workplace violation injury investigation performed. This course covers the non-worksite-specific training requirements under California’s workplace violence prevention legislation, Senate Bill (SB) No. 553/ California Labor Code Section 6401.9.
From $14.50
California Workplace Violence Prevention for Employers Online Training Course

California Workplace Violence Prevention - For Employers

This California Workplace Violence Prevention for Employers online training course is designed for employers in most workplaces in California. Learn about employer obligations under Senate Bill (SB) No. 553/ Section 6401.9 of the California Labor Code, including: developing and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP); maintaining a log of all incidents of workplace violence; and training employees on the legislation, the WVPP and the violence hazards in their work.
From $14.50
Cannabis - Workplace Implications Online Training Course

Cannabis - Workplace Implications

This Cannabis - Workplace Implications online training course is designed for employers, employees, and organizations that have comprehensive workplace impairment policies in place are setting clear expectations and providing guidelines for employers, supervisors, and employees in a variety of situations. This course deals with impairment in general and impairment from cannabis in particular.
From $12.50
Code of Conduct [Canada] Online Training Course

Code of Conduct [Canada]

This Code of Conduct online training course provides a model Code of Conduct that explains the most important parts of the Code. A company that already has a Code in place can customize and use this course to communicate that policy to its employees and for a company that has not yet implemented a Code, this course provides a turn-key solution that can be put in place quickly.
From $13.50
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