This Flood Preparedness online training course is designed for employees in all industries. In this course, you will learn about the causes and effects of flooding, what can be done to prepare homes and businesses for floods, how to stay safe during a flood event, and the considerations for post-event recovery.
This Forklift Safety online training course will deal with how forklift incidents can be prevented, especially when employers and workers work together to improve safety and health at work. Forklifts offer a practical materials handling solution for many businesses, each year they continue to be associated with workplace deaths and injuries.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Gestion de crises et planification des interventions en cas d'urgence a été conçu pour les employeurs et tous leurs employés. Ce cours abordera les éléments clés de la gestion des crises et de la planification des interventions d'urgence et la manière dont ils s'appliquent à tous les employés à temps plein et à temps partiel, y compris les cadres et le personnel de supervision.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Gestion de l’anxiété durant une pandémie porte sur les causes et les symptômes de l’anxiété et aborde des stratégies permettant de la gérer et de la soulager. Dans une période d’incertitude extrême, il est normal d’éprouver de l’anxiété et de la peur. Il y a tant de questions auxquelles il n'y a pas de réponses définitives.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Chutes, glissades et trébuchements a été conçu pour les employeurs, les superviseurs et travailleurs. Dans ce cours, nous passerons en revue les directives pour éviter et réduire les accidents tels que les chutes, glissades et trébuchements. Nous verrons aussi à quel point un milieu de travail propre et ordonné peut éviter bien des blessures.
This Ground Disturbance Awareness online training course is designed for employees of pipeline companies and other utilities who undertake ground disturbance activities. Hitting existing buried facilities can cause a host of problems, in this course, you will learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
This Ground Disturbance Level II online training course is designed for supervisors in the pipeline and other utility companies, as well as in companies that undertake ground disturbance activities. Striking existing buried facilities can cause a number of problems. Learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
This Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) online training course is designed for contractors and construction company employees. GFCIs are designed to protect people from hazardous ground faults that can arise from plugging in defective appliances or corded equipment or having them come in contact with water. In this course, you will learn about GFCIs – what they are and do, where they are installed, and installing and testing them.
This H1N1 Flu Preparedness for Employees online training course is designed for all employees to explore H1N1 Flu and the seasonal flu in the workplace. This course will provide employees with simple strategies for protecting themselves during flu season. Employees will learn about H1N1 and learn steps to protect themselves from flu viruses.
This H1N1 Flu Preparedness for Employers online training course is designed for managers and employers and explores H1N1 Flu and the workplace. This course lists the symptoms of H1N1 and the seasonal flu and provides managers and employers with simple strategies for protecting their employees and managing the risks of business disruption during flu season.
This Hand Safety and Injury Prevention online training course was designed for workers in retail, construction, and industry. This course will review the different types of utility knives available, their uses, advantages, and disadvantages of each, how to maintain them, and how to work with them safely to avoid injuries to the hands and fingers.
This Handling Violence in the Workplace online training course will help prepare you and your company to effectively manage violent situations should they occur. To create a workplace that is a safe environment for everyone, it is important to acknowledge that violence can occur in your company and that there are plans and programs that you can put in place to help prevent potentially volatile situations.
This Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training online training course is designed for Canadian employers and employees. Every work environment should be supportive of the productivity, dignity, and self-esteem of every employee. This means ensuring that your work environment is free from harassment, discrimination, and violence. This course will help you understand your role and responsibilities in ensuring a healthy workplace.
This Health and Safety Awareness online training course was designed for employers, supervisors, and workers.
This course outlines key health and safety rights and responsibilities of different groups in the workplace, helps you identify the types of workplace hazards, outlines protective measures that should be taken to ensure everyone in a workplace is safe and how you can participate in the health and safety of your workplace.
This Health and Safety for Small Business [Canada] online training course is designed for employers, supervisors and workers.
Workplace injuries and illnesses have a direct effect on the company's bottom line, and the ability to operate safely is essential to building a productive, cost-effective organization. In this course, we will identify the health and safety responsibilities of suppliers, employers and workers and describe strategies for small businesses to meet their health and safety responsibilities.