Being in an emergency can be very stressful. This Keep It Cool: In an Emergency, online training kids course will help reduce stress in an emergency situation. This course will teach you how to keep it cool when someone is injured by knowing how to treat everything from a nosebleed to a swollen ankle.
Being in an emergency can be very stressful. Everything happens so fast and if there's no adult around, someone needs to take charge. From treating a cut to a minor burn you will learn how to help when someone is hurt. This Keep It Cool: In an Emergency, online training kids course will help reduce stress in an emergency situation. This course will teach you how to keep it cool when someone is injured by knowing how to treat everything from a nosebleed to a swollen ankle. This course was designed for children under 12 and can be taken on a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device as time permits as progress information will be saved so you can pick back up where you left off.